Monday, May 30, 2011

New Details for a New Home

I'm about to move, and thinking of ways to make my new set-up easy and smooth:

a) Keep clothes organized, in a set-up location. Organize your house by task so that the things most relevant to each job are where you’re most likely to use them. This might be obvious for things like laundry and crafts, but what about a mail station, homework area, or just storing linens in the laundry room?

b) Get a desk!!! and desk chair!!!

c)Label it! Labeling is not just for file folders – get a label-maker (or several) and keep it handy all around the house. Kitchen shelves, storage containers, bookshelves, coat racks — there are millions of places where a smart label can forestall endless amounts of clutter. My variation of jenny’s clear shoebox idea above (#3) is to use plastic pencil boxes for all manner of tiny stuff; they lock slightly to make tidy stacks on my shelves, and a lovely label on the front keeps everything instantly accessible.

d) Designate a “launchpad”. This is an area in your house, preferably near the door, where coats, jackets, shoes, backpacks, purses, keys, and everything else you need to find easily next time you leave the house stays. Think of it a transition-zone between outside and inside — almost like an airlock.

e) Set up a “bucket” at your “launchpad (a milk crate, basket, or an actual bucket) for each person “.

f) Set up a library/rental box. Store your library books and rented videos in a box in your living room or other place near where you’ll use them, and keep your library cards and video rental cards there as well. That way, you’ll always be reminded if anything’s due when you go to collect your rental cards.

g) Set up your bills to be due all on the same day. Most utilities will let you shift your payment date, though you will usually have to make up a month-plus the first time after the change.

h) Make a nice box for receipts and put new receipts in it every night when you get home. Sort your receipts on a regular basis, or this will overflow and become yet another source of clutter.

Hygiene Routines

She is so gorgeous! This reminds me of my mommy's looooong routine!

This girl loves herself;) Doesn't it make you want to cuddle with her?

Potential Closet?

The new place doesn't have a closet, but is SO great! Thinking about doing something like this...maybe too much work for right now..

Todays Goals

Last night, I went salsa dancing with my manager and his fiance.  SO much fun.  I'm definitely starting to feel a bit more comfortable salsa dancing!  And speaking Spanish!!!

Unfortunately, I had forgotten to eat much, and let him buy drinks.  I drank so much that I was sick the entire day today.  Vomited like crazy.   Missed Nafisa's birthday party.  Laid in bed talking on the phone and couldn't do any of my personal goals.  Canceled dinner plans. 

Successes:  Salsa dancing.  Spanish.  Really amazing phone conversations.  Booked tickets to California.  Bought Fifi gummy bears and a banana, and stopped at the evening party to dance.  Caught up on missed sleep from the week.  Desiree saved me and helped me get out of bed and brought me chicken soup. 

Failures:  LOL NOT the most efficient day!  At all!

Goals for tonight: 
-Clean bedroom.  Start packing. 
-Do 100 situps and stretch.
-Work on screenplay.  

Goals for tomorrow:
-Deal with bills.   Apartment moving details:  truck, lease. 
-Study for the GRE.
-Finish up lastest social media proposal
-Call Amir and Sameer. 
-Relax on the town with Grant! 

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Habit # 1

10 minute morning cleanup.   I've started waking up at 7am, so I have the time! I'm going to clean up before heading to work.  ASAP.

I'm starting a 10 minute cleanup each morning. 

Upcoming Habits for the next two weeks:  
-10 minute evening cleanup.
-Prepare for the entire week ahead.  

Trying to have a SLEEK and SMOOTH life

This is what my life feels like:  procrastination. (Image from But I want that SMOOTHness.  The comes from having bright, neat files.  Clips. Containers. Starting now:  one habit a week.